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Cursive Writing Class

(2nd - 5th Grade)

Tuesday & Thursdays 6pm - 6:30pm


Our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to teach cursive skills to elementary students uses a clean, vertical style of cursive that is easy to learn, read, and write. When a child has good print skills, the transition from print to cursive is usually quite simple. For students who struggled with print skills, cursive instruction gives them a fresh start on the path to good handwriting.

Why​ ​Cursive?  It’s faster because the pencil is always on the paper. It naturally helps to fix spacing issues. It has grown-up appeal, so motivation tends to be high. It can help children who never learned proper printing skills.   CursiveLogic Link - Why Cursive?


Costs - $475 - First class starts October 3rd

            $25/session billed per semester

            (30-minutes, 2x/week)

Don't forget to Book Final Exam Reviews

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