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Final Exam Reviews


Please Note - The Program has 2 different Preps designed for a comprehensive exam review

1 - HPHS REVIEW PACKET -  This Prep covers the final exam review packet provided by their HPHS teacher.  Individually the review normally takes on average approx 3 – 4 hrs to complete and is the student’s responsibility to finish and return. My 2 hour review helps the student complete and comprehend/work most of the problems in preparation for the Final Exam. 

The school provided review is NOT comprehensive and only covers approximately 80% of the exam material.

The other 20% comes from reviewing previous quizzes and test. Our CMP Review was developed to cover this extra gap.     


2 - COMMONLY MISSED PROBLEMS (CMP)  -  This review is a student favorite. It's comprised of the student's commonly missed problems from THIS semester's quizzes/tests and fills in the approx 20% gap from the missing material of the school review. This review is designed to be taken the day before your final exam.  

Students consider this review a "game changer".  Most students do both math reviews, but not required. Also the CMP is used as a mock Exam.

REMEMBER the Final Exam is 20% of your semester grade.


HP Review (2 hr)


In-Person - $110

Virtual - $110


CMP (1.5hr)


In-Person - $90

Don't forget to Book Final Exam Reviews

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