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AP Government Test/Quiz Group Review

This Review is a 1.5-hour group session designed to prepare students for tests and quizzes. The review is conducted the day (or sometimes two days) before the test/quiz  utilizing a flexible weekly schedule to ensure the most recent classroom material is included. The flex schedule floats week to week to help avoid tutoring, and paying, for the same course twice in a week.  Most reviews have less than eight students per group class.


AP Government Review (1 hr)

Group Review - $75

REMIND SERVICE - The Program's Remind Notification Service provides quiz & test review notifications along with course specific information and reminders to keep you and your student up to date.  Click CODES to be directed to the Remind Service page.

Throughout the year, The Program will send you text reminders as the new schedules are posted.

Don't forget to Book Final Exam Reviews

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